The First President of Australia
Do You wan't a President or a Primeminister or Me ?
Do You wan't a President or a Primeminister or Me ?
Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott or TureSjolander ?
You don't get what you deserve because POLL prior to Federal Elections is distorting your personal understanding.
Poll has to be banned through a new legislation and be classified as an illegal political act. -Fair Dinkum
The First President of Australia
"We getting closer and closer, and when the planet Earth getting too close to the Sun, the Earth's atmosphere will pop, the gases implode and the planet Earth shall turn into an ironball like the current planet Mercury, then since long annihilated" - Ture Sjolander
This Web site below Google Australia has been hiding on it's Search Engine and delayed for two months!
Click on it and find out Why !
The borders are floating like a liquid substance and we can't hide
anymore behind nationality, race, gender, class and political viewpoints...
Above: Ethnic Cleansing Model Australia 2009 Performed on a daily basis by the Academic Australian Anglophiles
The Supernatural Warrior Princess Sarah Palin have weapons of Mass-distortion.
"I'm not a war criminal nor am I a bitter and dangerous prisoner of war. I do not wave with firearms and shotguns and I was born
in a forrest of beautiful elks (moose) in a small town in the cold
northern peaceful Scandinavia far from the war mongering folks,
in a nation spared from war the last 300 years" - T. Sjolander
"One should look at politicians personal performance as artists, and judge them as such, and then one shall find how very shallow most of them are"
"If one on a daily basis
study the news readers
in our main massmedia,
day after day, and year
after year, one wonder
if they are related to the
common parrots, having the same genetical composition"
Click here to READ
what Kevin Rudd
should have done by now !
"I am a more beloved person than Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and Carl Rowe ever has been or can be.
A Non-Plutocratic aristocratic Democrat at 75
Yahoo Australia Poll 15 December 2012
President or Prime Minister or Vice President?